Alberto Alanis

My Awards

Explored on Flickr


Explore is a function of Flickr where a certain number of photos are picked each day to be the top 500 images featured based on "interestingness".

Texas City Juried Art Festival

2017 2nd Place - Photography Category

Texas City Juried Art Festival

2016 Honorable Mention - Photography Category

Flickr Explored


Explore is a function of Flickr where a certain number of photos are picked each day to be the top 500 images featured based on "interestingness".

Daily Deviant on DeviantArt

2015 Baby Lizard - Macro Photography

A Daily Deviant is a hand-chosen image selected to be featured to the community.

Daily Deviant on DeviantArt

2014 Butterfly Portrait - Macro Photography

A Daily Deviant is a hand-chosen image selected to be featured to the community.

Daily Deviant on DeviantArt

2013 Curious Hunter - Macro Photography

A Daily Deviant is a hand-chosen image selected to be featured to the community.

University of Houston - Clear Lake Student Exhibition

2013 3rd Place - Body of Work

Daily Deviant on DeviantArt

2012 Almost Human - Wildlife Photograph

A Daily Deviant is a hand-chosen image selected to be featured to the community.

My Published Work

Featured Photographer

2016 for the Friendswood Business Directory Magazine

Featured Photograph for Mercury Magazine

2012 Mercury Magazine is a pro-bono university-based printed magazine on business studies from Uppsala University, Sweden